Does the best man’s wife ever sit at the head table?

Does the best man’s wife ever sit at the head table?

Our best man is my fianc?’s brother. My future mother-in-law thinks the best man’s wife should sit at the head table. Does the best man’s wife ever sit at the head table when she is not part of the wedding party?

The answer is, no, the best man’s wife usually does not sit at the head table. But, it can happen. If your bridal party is very small and you have the space, then it is possible to squeeze her in.

What commonly happens, because bridal parties are rarely small, is that the attendants sit at the head table while their spouses or dates seat separately. You can arrange to have the dates and spouses all sitting at the same table together. Another possible option is to arrange a few seated tables for the bridal party and their partners.
