My fiancé’s parents are divorced and both are remarried. How should the wedding invitation be phrased?

My family will be hosting the wedding but I’d like to include my fiance’s parents on the wedding invitation. His parents are divorced and both are remarried. How should the wedding invitation be phrased?

When it comes to the wedding invitations, it’s amazing how complex it can all seem. Here is how you can phrase your wedding invitation to include your fiancé’s parents:

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Singh (the bride’s parents)
Request the honour of your presence
At the marriage of their daughter
Anita (the bride)
Joseph Mathers (the groom)
Son of
Mrs. Betty Smith & Mr. Adam Thompson (groom’s mother is listed first)
Mr. Harry Mathers & Mrs. Megan Blass (groom’s father)

In this wording for the invitation, the assumption is that your fianc? is close with both his step-parents, which is why they have been included. Another option would be to include only his birth parents in the wedding invitation. It would then read like this:

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Singh (the bride’s parents)
Request the honour of your presence
At the marriage of their daughter
Anita (the bride)
Joseph Mathers (the groom)
Son of
Mrs. Betty Smith (groom’s mother)
Mr. Harry Mathers (groom’s father)
